Consortium of Rhinebeck History

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Below are results 1 through 10 of 43 found.                Records Per Page:                Go To Page :   [1] 2 3 4 5   Next
Sorted By: Building Name
Current Address Date Building Name Unique Site Number Original Property Information Updated Property Information  
37-39 Red Tail Road___________ c. 1812  Barringer Farm  02716-0179  Barringer Farm- 37-39 Red Tail Road(orig).pdf Barringer Farm- 37-39 Red Tail Road.pdf vertical
163 Old Post Road_____________ c. 1843  Cox Farm  02716-000252  J. Cox Farmhouse- 163 Old Post Road(orig).pdf J. Cox Farm- 163 Old Post Road.pdf vertical
76 Delano Dr.________________ c. 1932  Evergreen Lands    Evergreen Lands- Delano Drive(orig).pdf vertical
248 Fox Hollow Road___________ c. 1906  Fox Hollow-Manor House  02716-0189  Fox Hollow- 248 Fox Hollow Road(orig).pdf Fox Hollow- 248 Fox Hollow Road.pdf vertical
43 Wheeler Road_____________ c. 1716  Fredenburg House  02716-0204  Fredenburg House- 43 Wheeler Road(orig).pdf Fredenburg House- 43 Wheeler Road.pdf vertical
33 Grinnell Street_____________ c. 1869  Free Church of the Ascension Parsonage  02716-000257  Free Church of the Ascension Parsonage- 33 Grinnell St(orig).pdf Free Church of the Ascension Parsonage- 33 Grinnell St.pdf vertical
29 Mill Road_________________ c. 1824  Grasmere  0217-000259  Grasmere - 29 Mill Road (orig).pdf Grasmere- 29 Mill Road.pdf vertical
29 Mill Road__________________ c. 1901  Grasmere Stone Barns  02716-0000262  Grasmere - 29 Mill Road (orig).pdf Grasmere Stone Barns- 29 Mill Road.pdf vertical
5 Long Dock Road_____________ c. 1858  Heermance House  02716-0219  Heermance House- 5 Long Dock Road(orig).pdf Heermance House- 5 Long Dock Road.pdf vertical
Route 9_____________________ c. 1855  Hillside Methodist Church    Hillside Methodist Church- Route 9(orig).pdf vertical
Current Address Date Building Name Unique Site Number Original Property Information Updated Property Information  
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